Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pokemon Gold Emulator Game Shark


... Because it's never too late to start ...
... Because sometimes you give up quickly with the excuse "I have no time"; "I'm not able", "art is not my forte "...." I'd like but I find it difficult" ....
.... Because sometimes you need to cut out space for ourselves ...
.... For the desire to learn, but also for the pleasure of being together for a chat with friends ... with calm and joy ...
THOUSAND AND FOR A REASON .... The important thing is' BEGIN!

is why I propose more courses for beginners ......... much can be done with imagination and ... a little bit of free time!
What are you waiting?

My decoupage .... beginning with the remnants of an old publication

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Brazilian Wax Over New Scar

Home Sweet Home ... continue!

Sit ... . this is part of (I left the door open!) which overlooks both the kitchen and the living-area TV / relax ....
At the top of the scale here is the dining room ... there is still much to do but you have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe show that is enjoyed by the first-floor windows while we enjoy a lunch in the quiet of these hills. ..

.... A lthough this ugly hook above the mirror is a must hide .. . it's all still to settle for pretty well here ... the bathroom on the ground floor (near the kitchen)

... The mirror is my customization ... do you like?

This is the bathroom instead of the first floor, next to the dining room and bedroom Emanuele

One of my "recovery" has become a towel ... ...

And there will be other enrichment soon!

... another flight of stairs and we are in the attic!

This is the "den" of Frederick ...

This "nest" is instead reserved for our guests ... attention to the "bang" on the ceiling beams ...!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who Does Tawnee Stone Play As

Home Sweet Home ...

.. or "Home Sweet Home" ...
I finally overcame my innate tendency to privacy and I decided to open up "doors" of my house!
The photos are not my forte ... I promise to improve though!
For now, the pictures cover the interior ... which required a year and a half renovation!

start from the kitchen "uncontested reign of women" .. so they say.
My husband and I welcome our friends loved ones, cooking on the stove .... the pizzas and cakes that come out of this furnace have a unique flavor!
And then the heat of the fire is very different from that of "normal" radiators.

And here's the kitchen that we have chosen: he could not be different from this!

Some details ... a bit shabby, a little country ...

The table peasant "equipped" with a board for fresh pasta, cutting board and rolling pin!

all for today ... I have to run to take Emma to take him in my pool!

Monday, January 17, 2011

How To Remove Spilled Wax From Out A Microwave

Story of a cabinet that had to be thrown away

Dear friends,

as many know I love the recovery and recycling, if we add to the decoration of the mobile gives me great satisfaction .. . the result is what you see below!
's cabinet was under these conditions:

thrown in an attic of cobwebs and worms ... but my client - who lives in Milan, but is renovating a house here in Oltrepò, he wanted to give him a "chance" and then his transformation here ...

After a cleaning ad hoc (elbow grease), woodworm treatment e. .. more ....
"Phase One"

"Phase two"

"phase three"

missing just one coat of wax scented neutral ... maybe vanilla and next Saturday the cabinet is ready for delivery!

Daddies And Son Blogs

Effect "Opal" ... with Decoglass

opal glass is a decorative style of French origin in vogue from 1800 to 1890, though he reached the peak of popularity during the reign of Napoleon III from 1850 to 1860 .
The glass appears opaque / slightly translucent and can be either white or colored in shades of green, blue, pink, black, yellow, lavender and black.
Its opalescence is due to the presence of very fine particles of substances other than crystal clear and colorless (fluorides, phosphates, oxides), or the formation of gas bubbles, or devitrification.

Apart from this definition of "historical science", my memory of the opal glass is lagato to a chandelier of my grandmother placed in his bedroom .... memories date back to before the year ' 70 and the lamp in question was bought in the '40s (not more).
was more or less like this

Much later ....

Here's an example of how the Decoglass is a versatile and unique: the plate is made of glass but the colors and opalescence very reminiscent of the old lamp from my grandmother, I realized .. , with a mix of colors that I prefer between the infinite range of Decoglass: Pearl, Pearl Pink, Pearl Farm.
highly effective for other home accessories!

course .... can become the topic for an upcoming courses color ... rose immediately inspired spring air!

If you prefer the white pearl and platinum ... this is an effect "protection money" not bad!

This technique has been rather "popular" during my classes by Monica Garbagnate Milanese in 'seasons' past ... but I always pleasant and refined .. . what do you think?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Niple Percings Vedios

The Valley Cup .... again by the green cards ....

first If I showed you a "taste" of what you can see and discover the Ardivestra Valley, I am yet to give you some information on the other valley called the "Cup" I'm lucky to see my house (having the dual display .... I have this privilege, which is equivalent to the presence of 22 windows .. . all to clean pretty well!)
This side of my house faces the road ... at the bottom of the sign indicating the "center" of the country, "Costa-Galeazzi Knights" ... that crowding early morning ....:-)
Basically you can see the village of Fortunago .... there is a slight haze but these days the winter has taken a vacation!

The Valley Cup is one of the valleys of the lower hills. Start Fortunago, ( ) where it begins to wind through the hills until you reach Borgo Priolo, from whom he joined another valley called "the Gravel Cup" , "laughed the gravel" or better "of Gravels of Montalto. After this union the valley continues to emerge in the Po Valley in the territory of Casteggio.

The "Val Hill Community Cup is a consortium of supra province of Pavia (130 km ²) located east of the river and south of the river Po Cup The community consists of the following municipalities: Borgo Priolo , Borgoratto Mormorolo, Montalto Pavese, Fortunago, Ruini, and Rocca Calvignano Susella. Montebello della Battaglia Montesegale and still not make it an official member.
countries: Italy
administrative regions: Lombardy
Territory: 7 municipalities in the province of Pavia
Capital: Borgo Priolo
Area: 130 km ²
Population: 5,257
density ab: ab. 40.44 km ²

The infrastructure of the valley, or the Provincial Road 203 "Valley Cup, starts in Casteggio and Battle of Montebello, and ends in the Town of Chapel Fortunago, but there ' is also the opportunity to continue to the Passo del Carmine, the road is not very large, and that is why the trucks of a certain width are practically forced to run on the road to Montalto Valley Gravel or on the road to Val Versa.

* Montalto Pavese: Construction of stone and brick, featuring four towers, built in 1595, on the remains of a former medieval fortress, by Philip Belcredi at an altitude of 466 meters above sea level The castle is surrounded by a large park: to indicate the Italian garden and the garden. Montalto was then the Strozzi until 1617, then the Taverna (until 1630), regardless of Belcredi until the end of the eighteenth century. From about mid-nineteenth century belongs to the accounts Balduino, who provided restorations.
* Montebello della Battaglia: The current building looks like a Baroque villa, dating from the seventeenth / eighteenth century, the headquarters of a probable medieval fortress: it is of considerable size, with a large park adjoining private property.
* Montesegale: Gamberana fortress built on a hill by the country today is a complex of buildings dating from different periods and short private property.
* Stefanago (Borgo Priolo): The castle, situated on a hilltop, was renovated in 1477, but the tower dates from the twelfth century: is the site of a farm.

In the valley, like in all those Oltrepò is intensive cultivation of vineyards, although less than that present in adjacent Valley Gravels of Montalto. The valley wine indeed marks the border of East-West, ie between the eastern and intensely cultivated with vineyards, and West Valley Staffora, very little cultivated.
are mainly cultivated the vine (wine Oltrepò Pavese DOC), cherries and sugar beets. In hilly, with many vineyards, there are many wineries, which employ a fair amount of residents and move a decent turnover.
in the mountains, still working on small producers of cheese, honey, meats, fruit, producers have chosen to breed endangered native animals, producers who struggle with their work against the abandonment of the area and contribute to the recovery of idle land, and restaurateurs who use these products to revive the authentic dishes.
Some sell other products of this territory on which are locally called: the "Brasadè" and "Skit".

White Bearded Dragon Has White Little Bugs

Ardivestra Valley ... from the windows of my bedroom ...

Valley Ardivestra Godiasco and begins to cross the territory of several municipalities, which are worth visiting for one reason or just want to curiosity.
First, the fauna of this valley is composed not only by hares also squirrels, badgers, wild boars, skunks, foxes, deer and roe deer, not to mention the birds, from pheasant jays, owls, owls, hawks, buzzards, herons, etc. to the beautiful hoopoe.
A real natural paradise, beyond the fact that intensive farming is almost non-existent and therefore we speak of a valley with "high level of quality of life!"

Here are some "resident" before the camera :

To follow the valley Ardivestra start from Godiasco, whose name seems to derive from Gaudiasci, name of a town Ligurian appointed by the emperor Trajan. In the Middle Ages was part of the fief of the Malaspina (do not miss Palazzo Malaspina) and was famous for working stone, wood and the black market for salt. Walking through the old town you will have the opportunity to see a beautiful Renaissance portal and a well seventeenth century, both in sandstone.

The valley is a landscape of great natural beauty.
wonderful is the view of the Romanesque Church of St. Zachary, a fine example of Romanesque architecture which was built around the year one thousand.
then you come across in a beautiful castle battlements Montesegale of the fourteenth century, now a private residence, in perfect condition and very good example of medieval architecture due to the Marquis Malaspina.Il place was stormed in 1415 by the Count of Carmagnola, captain mercenary hired by the Visconti. The castle stands in a key position to control the upper and the lower valley of the river Ardivestra.
We have news of Montesegale (Montesicalis) since 1029.

Climb up to reach the coast of Fortunago ( ) where you open a beautiful perspective of the entire relief and Apennine village of ancient Celtic origins, which, as legend has it, was a place of refuge for the persecuted early Christians, like St. Ponzo, which is tied to the belief in the miraculous source of water. Continuing through the hills, you can reach the east and south of Val Versa Castle Stefanago (XV sec.) Building brick on a stone, erected in the thirteenth century and later restored in the fifteenth century, to flow in the Valley Cup, where they touch the centers of Borgoratto Mormorolo and Borgo Priolo, places of scenic interest, with a good tourist business, but especially a leading agricultural vocation with wine making.

Instead these are pictures I took in these days of warm sun through the windows of my house ... from the "side Ardivestra ".... how can you not be enchanted by a show like that?