Thursday, January 20, 2011

Brazilian Wax Over New Scar

Home Sweet Home ... continue!

Sit ... . this is part of (I left the door open!) which overlooks both the kitchen and the living-area TV / relax ....
At the top of the scale here is the dining room ... there is still much to do but you have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe show that is enjoyed by the first-floor windows while we enjoy a lunch in the quiet of these hills. ..

.... A lthough this ugly hook above the mirror is a must hide .. . it's all still to settle for pretty well here ... the bathroom on the ground floor (near the kitchen)

... The mirror is my customization ... do you like?

This is the bathroom instead of the first floor, next to the dining room and bedroom Emanuele

One of my "recovery" has become a towel ... ...

And there will be other enrichment soon!

... another flight of stairs and we are in the attic!

This is the "den" of Frederick ...

This "nest" is instead reserved for our guests ... attention to the "bang" on the ceiling beams ...!


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