Sunday, February 27, 2011

Decorated Bunny Cages

crazy I'd need a friend, or rather two! Owned

E 'was a wonderful weekend, friends, food, laughter and also relax!
returning Friday evening from work and I Riccio autoviolentati and we went to the grocery store, eat something quickly and then home to clean (and our brains told us: sleep, sleep!). After that we ran at the airport to take my friends who came from Sweden. How wonderful review dear friends who live far away, always feel close and laughing at all. Among other things she told me what a lovely "I missed your scent")
Saturday we did a tour in Arona and then we greeted with a lunch in a wine cellar with a tasting of local cheeses and meats, washed down with fine wine and then finish with a sweet squisiterrimo. After that walk to digest, even though we would digest took the New York Marathon! Then it was time to say goodbye because they had to go to Milan to see a show of a friend of Lei
So me and my prince went home and we relaxed, dozing a bit ', preparing a light dinner and playing throughout the evening with a game that they've got the birthday. Although the outside looks like a boring was a wonderful evening because we really needed to be calm and rest. On Sundays, then moved away away with an invitation to dinner with his grandparents and a birthday cake for Grandma in the afternoon, interspersed with film and faffing around.
'm so positive that almost do not care that it is raining!

Best Mono Headset Bluetooth

Yesterday evening at 23:59 Finally we get to bed, just freezing cold when we get under the covers.
Husband Brr it's cold! I was thinking one thing ... thank goodness that when the boiler broke you were in Italy, because I swear I felt a freezing cold that day!
Me: In fact thank goodness I was not there! I could not stand it, I hate the cold!
End conversation.

this morning: 8:30 am My husband gets up and goes straight into the shower. I stand to be idle in bed a little longer '. 10 minutes time I see him out of the bathroom half lathered, crawling sull'asciugamano not to wet the floor (I assure you that I struggled to not to laugh), go running to the boiler saying, does not work! The water runs cold!

moment of panic.

Yes, the boiler is again route. We are officially no hot water and no heating. Just today, the temperatures, depending on weather, falling dramatically. Yesterday there were 18 degrees, beautiful sunshine, we just needed heating. Today is expected un'abbassamento temperature of about 10 degrees. But how nice treat!

Consu penguin!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lobster Boats Designer

Today is Saturday and tomorrow we go to school .... The toilet seat

This morning I woke up with this song in my head, or better, with this phrase .... I remember the humming in high school, but it's really a song? I have no idea.
I thought back in high school, beautiful yes, but also difficult. And I realized that the university was a period a thousand times more beautiful. And that's when I started to work and live, I thought that what I was experiencing was even better. And when I got married, again I thought I was having the best time of my life. Ditto when I discovered that it was waiting for Charles.

And this thing made me smile, if only because I realized that the life I'm living per thousand per thousand. What I have done to stop by fears and anxieties, the pains typical of all ages. I have literally thrown in the air, when I came to Madrid jobless, with little experience and living with a person in two years I had seen so often, but always for short periods. I repeated my leap into the unknown spouses when all rowed against me, when my mother told me, oh well, there goes that bad divorce. Oo

That's my wedding day was wonderful, although my grandmother told me, now that you're married you frigate alone. Even though my aunt told me her makeup, but who makes you do. Although the launch of the bouquet, I found myself almost alone, not wanted. My cousin, my sister-in-all I have said, nooo, I am the bouquet do not want it, I will never marry, it is folly.

I was afraid, I thought, and if they are right? But then I realized that they were treated badly by love, all of them, without exception. I do not, I was lucky enough to find a male as there are few who love me above all loves me for who I am. And I jumped.

I repeated my journey into the unknown, with my husband when we decided to try pregnancy. Why was not the right time, because he did not have a job, because we lived in 50 square meters, because we had little money. I followed the instinct, as I always do when I have to make a difficult decision. And life has responded by helping us. Now we are happy. Scared, but happy.

I realized how beautiful it is to live, not just survive. I realized how beautiful it is chasing his dream, whatever it is. I understand how important it is to never give up. Because if I were to die tomorrow, I would have no regrets. And because I know that most people around me, could not say the same thing.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Skinny Womens Big Boobs

are possessed by the spirit of an old lady who wants to force me to stay here next month.
I will not even consider the hypothesis that having a birthday on Saturday with hours of RiccioCapriccio old peak, I still do not have recovery. I believe that the extreme tiredness that my wife complains August is just an excuse for not making me feel less alone in my sadness as a girl possessed.

Girls here the situation is serious, tonight we're going to take two of my friends of the times that I get to Stockholm by Sweden and find me and we are shocked Riccio idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to do later tonight and tomorrow do the spinners as tour guides . We terminated
all commitments tomorrow night. God what we are getting old ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Amateur Surgeon Xmas Hole In Heart

My husband is a great home. Every so often, however, the soul of the male anti maid comes out to him: it happens that you forget to lower the toilet seat after use. It happens that I enter the bathroom after him and be filled with a fury ahah murderer.

So a few days ago I said, very softly, darling, love, I can tell you something? I noticed that sometimes forget to lower the bar, would you mind stay there a little 'closer?
I was ready to receive the usual reply is typical of angry anti male maid, but he, as always, I was puzzled. You know what he answered?

And who said that the tablet should be lowered by force? Did you ever think that you are the women to use the toilet in the wrong way? Why do not you stand up when you finish so after I do not I?

Here, in this answer, which gave me laughing, I did not know what to reply. He left me speechless.
Good night everybody!

How Do I Removeemails From Facebook Login

News: This week we are my miniature cakes!

Care friends,
Creareinsieme of today's newsletter is dedicated to my project on the thumbnails in Fimo and more ...
go to check out the link to see how you can create with polymer clay but also with the recycling home! DO NOT MISS THIS PROJECT!

Diagnosed With Kyphosis

Waking up with the moon But I was wrong

In my house it is said that someone wakes up with bad day when the morning is angry or nervous. I do not know how to tell if this is common to other areas in Italy.

Well, this morning I've got the moon will not only wrong, I just went the wrong way! Haha.

But the great thing is that I do not know why. I woke up already angry and nervous, mah. Maybe it's hormones? (At this rate I'll end up blaming the hormones even if you fall down a fork while eating.)

I just had breakfast, I look around and see that house is a disaster, my favorite, what I see every morning while I devour my cup of cereal, today is sending a service policy, yuck. Today is the dreaded pre-natal course. And I want to go back to work, I'm tired of staying home.

That's it, I knew that writing would understand why my incazzatura haha. The truth is that I miss my job, I miss my colleagues, I even miss the coffee vending machine junk. I miss the fact that they feel alive, active, helpful. And this is only the third week of illness, though I think there are still about 9 I wish I had a magic wand, get rid of back pain and get back on my bike.

No, I'll never be a housewife, I'll never be one of those women who enjoy being at home, they can feel complete caring only for her husband, children and their home. Maybe it'll change my mind when Charles is born, but for now ... I just want desperately to return to work. Help.

Consu Scab

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Make My Wife Stop Farting

Good Year

Very often when people ask me how old I am, I jokingly say that I stopped at 24 because it was a great year and I want to extend. And indeed so, I have many wonderful memories of that year and certainly over time I have also mythologized a bit '.
However, like everyone, I've had some bad years, the kind that really can not wait to finish, maybe being in hibernation until next January 1. Looking back though I realize that the years when the worst happens there are also very intense positive moments, moments that we all know and those that make it seem like years beautiful.
For example, the age of 18 years, and the age and the summer when I went to England alone, the first time I made love ... Yet beyond these wonderful things was the year of great financial problems at home, those who have made me afraid of losing their homes and could not go to college, the problems that I have not been able to deal only with eating disorders . O
the year of 25, where I graduated and then moved to Milan to start working. It has been silent, except for a few trusted friends, the moments of devastating year in which I think I cried every day from March to October.
And so I find myself almost to dread the moments particularly beautiful that can happen for fear that something bad as they can obscure.

Long Dong Silver In A Car

LEAN! Starting and

I made a mistake. A glaring error. Taken from a Scripting of acute boredom, I started to brush up on old photos are on the PC. Our travels, our dinners, our moments faffing around.

And I realized that I was thin. I was really lean. I've always been a bit 'fixed on panzetta, and then, I have to say truth, I never saw quite firm, lean, beautiful. Yes I know, a lot of paranoia. Well, today I got the slap on the wrist that maybe I needed a few years ago.

the series: panzetta you complain to? Now caught the Panzona of 31 weeks, so big arms, ass soft 8 months because they are not doing gym and my legs a little tonic. Tie. Ahaha. We show the first


And now after:

Eh ..... I swear, I NEVER complain. NEVER. Hahaha! (And in this picture so big arms are carefully covered)

Pokemon Emeraude Rom Cydia

's a bit like dying

I remember one day a hundred years ago, when my parents were a model couple, so united that rivals any in my small town ', with no exceptions. They had just returned from a great trip in Venezuela, and my father said, opening the door: It 's true, PARTS AND' A LITTLE 'how to die.

I was about 10 years and I did not understand what this phrase might mean, it seemed completely pointless.

Now it seems the past is really more 'than a century since then, everything' s gonna change: my parents are no longer 'the pair model that was the envy of all, I do not live more' in Italy, My brother and 'become un'ometto now. And perhaps because of the fact that I do not live more 'in Italy, I could understand the meaning of this phrase from that day I turn on the head constantly, like a song you hear on the radio and then you can no longer' stop to sing.

Every time I go to Italy, when the time comes to leave, I feel really die
every time I am going to visit my parents and my brother, and I can see all the anguish on their faces who are trying at the moment and I can almost see the tears that remain stuck in the middle 'way between the heart and eyes;
every time that I embrace with the eyes My house, my old house, one that saw me grow, cry, breathe, smile,
every time I greet my little dog, with his big eyes and so sweet, and I can almost see a little 'more 'sad, as if she knew that I'm going away again;
every time we get to the airport and approached the check in, and I feel like my heart rate increases slowly-BUM ... BUM-BUM, and I feel like throwing her arms around my mother put me to whine like children and say, come with meeeeee;
each time crossing the border line, what separates those who own the paper boarding to those who do do not, and I am very aware that it is' over, and away I see my mother, who watches me as if to say a million things, but then instead tries to greet me with a big smile.

In each of these moments, I have a feeling that something magical is over, I have to slowly break away from something that made me feel good, and again to my second home.

Maybe when we are about to die, that is after a long illness or suddenly feel really something. The moment we realize that we are about to leave the life we \u200b\u200bunderstand what actually 'is special, unique, magical. And we detach gradually, on their way to our second home.

that Consu today we do philosophy!

Does A D And C Remove

The beauty of A philosophy lesson routine

For me, routine is everything . I like to have breakfast every morning in the same way, sitting on the couch, with the tray resting on the table, next to the PC. I like to sip my coffee and milk while watching TV. I like to tune the same channel, with the same program, one of the gossip.

This has become my new routine since I was forced home by illness. While still working, I had another: breakfast coffee and watching the news got to work shortly after it started.

Wherever I am, in any situation, I always manage to carve out my own very personal daily habits. I It feels good. They are, perhaps, one of the most monotonous that there ahah.

This morning however, my husband and I decided to have breakfast outside, in a bar that opened recently near his home. We decided to go Sunday, but last night Victor was struck by a moment of inspiration and he told me: You know what? Why should we expect on Sunday, we go out to breakfast tomorrow. I, who are forced to diet and I can not eat sweets or chocolate, I accepted his proposal to jump to almost put the whole house. Well, I do not have to wait for Sunday to give me a little fad diet out haha.

And so this morning, barely awake, we have completely changed our habits. Nieto breakfast in front of the TV, nothing cazzeggiano pre-shower on the PC or to play, no washing dishes. We got dressed, still half sleepy, and went out. The fresh air of this beautiful and crisp morning, where the sun shines high in the sky and seems to have already arrived in the spring, I was immediately put in a good mood. The breakfast was divine, the best cappuccino, considering that we are not in Italy. When we left, we took the opportunity to walk a bit 'hand in hand, and talked about what we do in life, our projects, our dreams, how beautiful it is to live together and how happy we are to have one another. When he

we came home, we re-immersed in our beloved everyday, I and my husband in the kitchen to play, temporarily forgetting the dreams, projects, hope we still have to improve our lives. Soon he will go to work and I, like every day, and put in place a little 'house and I'll rest on the couch, his back to pieces, because unfortunately I can not do much.

For me the beauty of the routine is this: know that there is always present, and can decide to change or distort any time you want.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wiki Mono Atomic Gold


Last night we got home early. It did not seem real! And all this time available to me displaced, usually arriving it's time to start knocking down Sautee for dinner, than I have time to shower before me and stop.
I thought back to when I lived in Milan and often arrived home soon, plus I lived with roommates at a ratio of long to free you do not eat together more often just to give everyone a bit 'of freedom. So my favorite moments was the time he called decompression: got home I liked to be quiet, put on comfortable clothes, take some pretzel or a little 'bread and svaccarmi on the bed to see me a few episodes of the show. After I was ready to return to friendly chat and cooking dinner and so on, but how I loved those moments of silence all for me and my habits! But last night I
Riccio and we look and "what do we do?". Eventually after a while 'fooling around on the individual web we got to watch the show and then drink that is a bit' our national sport.

And you occupied as your decompression time?

Tiffany Blue And Red Wedding Favors

This Tonight I want to share with you a wonderful life lesson. Maybe someone already knows:

A professor before his philosophy class without saying a word, takes a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

then asked the students if the jar was full. Students agree and say yes.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar.

The pebbles fill the spaces between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full and they respond back to you.

The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand fills all the gaps, and He asked once more if the jar was full. Also this time the students responded with a unanimous.

The professor quickly added two cups of coffee to the contents of the can and actually filling the empty space between the sand. Then the students laugh. When the laughter subsided, the professor says

"I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life ... The golf balls are the important things like family, children, health, friends, love, the things we enjoy. These are things that even if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, car, etc.. The sand is everything else: the small stuff. If first we put the sand into the jar, there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls for.

The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that really matter. Pay attention to things that are critical to your happiness playing with your kids, take the time to go to the doctor, go to dinner with your partner, practice your favorite sport or hobby. There will always be time to clean house, cut grass, to fix the little things ... Employees of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities: the rest is just sand. "

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled and said: "I'm glad you ask this question. It 's just to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there is always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend. "

I have sent this story via e-mail a few years ago. Well, believe it or not, I have never forgotten those words. And every night when I am going to close our eyes to enjoy a restful sleep, I wonder if I actually used my time for the things that really matter. Each time, after giving the catchment area of \u200b\u200bgood night to my husband, I'm always a little resonconto of my day. And that helps me to improve or change everything wrong with how I want. Because life is and one must live it to the end.

(I told you that I am inspired today! Ahaha)

Good night everybody!

Brother Stitch Lettering Software

Carrie Bradshaw is!

do not know if you ever, but if that happens to me "discover" a character who had never before heard it seems that suddenly emerged everywhere. My recent discovery leaves me a bit 'puzzled, because I'm passionate about a character like that very much.
This is Anna of Russia could not better describe than by saying that Carrie Bradshaw. It has something like 4,000 pairs of shoes and dresses with the crazy outfit that come straight from the runway. I started to hear on Radio Dj Pinocchio, then I saw a Domenica In and now I see it everywhere on the web. E 'editor of Vogue Japan as another slap in the fashion business, but is especially famous for her clothes.

The other night I told my discovery to RiccioCapriccio and I told him: "Do you realize how wonderful it is to have 4000 pairs of shoes?" His

response was "just think how long it takes to test, almost a year of your life just to do that" ...
There's nothing to do, fashion, at least at our house, is a question all women.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Much Does Bowling Cost In Waukesha

Happy B-day bro!

My brother and I are very different temperamentally and in some ways physically. It 'too high, but unlike me is thin, with a beautiful body and sculpted by millemila sport in general is a great guy. Very cute and fun, going out with the same friends I was "sentenced" to a life as a sister. Because although I am also happy and funny, the character of the group has always been his little sister and me. I think you
also understand from these words that we have a love / hate. We do not feel all day and especially that he is more reserved is not going to tell me everything he does, but when there are important things we talk about it together. However, we are jealous of each other and the fact that he should agree more with Riccio tells me that he is the right man for me.
My brother never tells me that he is proud of me or that I admire, in fact I take to go around, but I know that when he talks about me to others is another matter entirely. His description of me says, "is a head of about .. or so but can not reach all its objectives" and I know that he is not a small thing.

My brother a birthday today 31 years and does not seem true at the bottom for me is always the kid that made me tease ... Greetings brothers!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Glory Holes In Tidwater Va


There's nothing to do, we'd like to think we are all equal and the same opportunities, but it is not true. Today I'll tell you a little 'me, that they are more fortunate than people living in countries or even further out of luck.

I was born in a village in the province of Cuneo, a town of 600 inhabitants. 600 per head? You know what that means? That in all my elementary school there were 25 children. When I went to school in the neighboring country's largest (5000 ...), people in my class were 22 children and for me it was a bit 'shocking. Living in a small country means that in the end they can choose you friends do not. Why there are not many alternatives! I always knew that my friends was missing something, or rather I was to be different from them, but I had no choice, either they or I was alone.
grows in a place like this means that you do not have access to schools that you would like, you can not cultivate some hobbies: I'd like to do dance but the school was far away and my mother could not accompany me there.
It also means not being able to buy all the clothes you want, do some traveling, go to certain concerts. Especially

means making a huge effort to emerge from popular culture that traps you. My friends all have girlfriends / married with people of that country or one nearby, made a few trips, foreigners do not know if not for those poor who live here.
I was the first person in the country to graduate in engineering, I was the only one who went to study abroad. They are one of the few people in my country who spoke of religion and of Muslims who spoke of human rights with the Chinese. Why are more beautiful than others? No, because I've gone from there, I left my certainties and the comfort of familiar things to venture on a journey more than me. Why do I have the strength to think "and if there was just this small town in the country?"

We often speak of how provincial of low-acculturated and more closed and it is generally true, but it is never said that the provincial moving are much harder and they put much more effort.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Will Nyu Charge For Implants

February 17: National Day of the GATTO

How to forget an anniversary like this??
Today Peggy and Renato for a special baby food ... and triple ration of pampering!

E 'was chosen in February because it is the sign of Aquarius, zodiac sign of the free-spirited, unconventional and intuitive as only cats can be. On day 17, number superstitious because you can read 1 and 7, a life for seven times, and the cat, to popular tradition, has nine lives.

He wanted it that way restore a very old tradition. For example, in Egypt, worshiped the goddess Bastet, goddess of the human body and the head of a cat, associated with joy, music, dance and sensuality. Once a year, many people gathered at the delta of the Nile to celebrate.

Among the Celts, at the foot of Menhir, sacred ceremonies were held, with teams of cats as an intermediary between heaven and earth. Moreover, in the pre-Columbian religions, in honor of the month PAX, associated with the Feline sacred, spectacular festivities were held. But even today there are countries like our four-legged friend. For example, in India every six months is celebrated as a symbol of love and motherhood, Sashti goddess who rides a white cat. In the Temple of Nikko, Japan, the famous Sleeping Cat still receive offers from tourists and holiday fedelLa cat is celebrated every year in Italy on February 17. The festival is celebrated since 1990.

Confirmation Letter To A Church Program

the evening before going to bed and set the table for breakfast in the bathroom and I settle the suits for the next day. Small tricks to save valuable time in the morning and sleep as much as possible.
Last night, once decided on the skirt and the shirt, I am going to the box where I keep my socks, leggings and tights (the drawer is not able to hold all stuff). And so I surfaced in the case of gray leggings that I bought in Sweden. I wanted to put them even if they are older and a bit 'spoiled because I take them in hand how did you feel magically certain emotions of the past.
I'm so, I fond a lot of things, especially the clothes and now that I live a life a little 'more normal time I like to think that this shirt I bought in place X, Y pants and so on. As if stuck in the possession of a thing when I bought them for special occasions or when I used them. In fact, hardly throw away old things, I like to get them out every so often and cherish the smell of my past, trying to feel for a moment that I ran a few years ago with those same things and laughing or crying, he enjoyed himself, waiting for someone and they drank so many mojitos ...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cheap Metal Cores Scooter


Hello everyone!
Today is rainy, dreary e. .. beautiful: it is my online "history" creative on the beautiful site of "clear guidance"
Fingers crossed and thank you warmly for the beautiful presentation that Clare has signed on!

Maurizia ..... but everyone calls Mauri, specializing in creative decoration, a few months he realized his greatest dream: to open a workshop and studio in the area Oltrepò Pavese.

"Finally, can I create with lots of available space and teach anyone who has the desire to enter this wonderful world ..."

collaborates with major portals (create together) and magazines (ADD).


Course for Beginners
Decoration Furniture
Recovery and recycling creative
polymer clay
Imitation of materials
Courses decoupage and decoration for children .................

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Brown Sugar Substitution Brownies

Objects, and With the good feelings you get all ... Uff

"Love my beautiful, could you please throw the roll of toilet paper when you're done? "
" ufff what you break, now I'm lying, I throw it tomorrow morning, "
And so the roll lay empty for a whole day on the bathroom floor.

.. Last night, while the culprit was preparing the bowls of porridge for the cats, the champion of the roll up to him, hugged him from behind. Then while stroking his back gently pulls him the edge of the pants of him and ... puts the roll gap in the pants.
I wonder why it was thrown away immediately: D

Souper Salad Red Bean And Rice Soup

Anff Pant

the morning is not over yet and I'm already tired and I are also coming headache.
seems that all workers should happen this week and in addition to my work usually takes me 130% every day has added a couple of other things. Of course, initially passed off as a simple little things to be resolved in a couple of hours and that instead they're taking me way longer.
Add to this, that my colleague seems offended with me after I gave her a lecture Friday: then she has offered to sacrifice the extra hours to recover and I told her no. For two reasons, one is that even if I could use to learn that things are done well and not patched immediately after (within the limits of human nature, of course). Two is that I do not think knowing that the extra hours will make the difference. I find myself in
position of the head and I'm almost more difficult to manage people who are not technical issues. Especially with her because we started together and we were always on an equal footing, and now it is my subject.
I live very badly. Suggestions?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Painful Urination And Period


Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh it's nice to be home in two!
The return to normalcy is a wonderful thing, we were abbracciatissimi all weekend and it was really nice to just see him wandering around the house. But enough gushing, today is Valentine's Day and hearts are fluttering everywhere. This happiness I
clouding your brain why I have not much to say, love good Monday!

Camcorder Review

Ideas for Valentine

Without wishing to emphasize that date, too subject of trade speculation, I suggest some romantic idea to celebrate this date!
the end ... they are always objects and decorations that will beautify your home or may be intended for some presents for my friends ... ... but Valentino!

Bandbox romantic effect upholstery Velvet

cover of another hat ... where the other piece is finished?

Finally .. . here's a parure Fimo, available in shades of pink and pearl ... to give and to treat yourself!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Does The Eyeclops Mini Projector Work


Today is a palindrome, or the date is "symmetric". I know many of you do not fregherà a chip only, as to all those who have spoken so far, but I like it very much this thing. In short, do not happen so often these special dates! And now I'm true to the motto "let us rejoice in small things."
And to stay in theme finally returns tomorrow and my amoruccio'm so happy! I already have in mind a whole menu of delicious things to eat him after a month in the States of lust and a whole menu of things to do under the covers that well, after a month, we will!! Since Wednesday was his birthday and tonight we will celebrate the two of us to step back into a wine cellar and as gift I want to take a couple of prized bottles. We really like eating and drinking well and I'm sure will appreciate the special gift. Then I still always the bonus of my expensive Christmas present for which they are advantaged eheheh.
Because tomorrow I'm going to take it because I want to go out tonight do not have time to cook and clean the house not to give any commitment on tomorrow and let him sleep peacefully to recover from jet lag. I know it will be a great weekend, full of love. Among other things, tomorrow will be even 2 years and 9 months and for me it is the first time I'm with someone so much and I feel so good.
Well, after all this fuss I'm going to work, now time has move very fast !!!!!!!!!!!!
nice weekend my beautiful!

Chewing Skoal And Diabetic


I've never been particularly interested in horoscopes, even as a young girl who reads it with her friends has always been such a thing to laugh. I'm Taurus, I know what are the general characteristics of my sign and I find there but my knowledge ends here. Know the signs of my example but I never know if Riccio is Aquarius or Pisces. Essentially is that they are skeptical of this thing I know nothing and disinterested. For example when people say "oh that guy is a typical Capricorn" I do not really know what that means.
Going to work in the car I hear all the mattinel'oroscopo, in a sense reluctantly because I had my way I would avoid but it's not that I'm going to change the channel. And I'm getting a bit 'to enter the tunnel because when I feel I'm always a Taurus comment.
If I start to ask the ascendant also begin to worry ...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Top Ten Best Ecchi Manga


Yesterday I finally got to see my ex-roommates: I found myself in Buenos Aires with Psycho, the psychologist who is a bit 'older sister to me, and after a while' shopping we went to find Matta that is our common roommate with whom I shared a room.
On the old blog I had told each of Matta, which is really the nickname that we used at home. We say that has not feeling very clean and is generally a person anaffective. She bought a home in Milan and it is virtually gone a couple of months before me.
House surprised me a lot because although it is a studio furnished him well: I remember that I spoke of things on paper choices and I was not convinced that I liked, but the result is excellent. Then we were expecting a cold house as she was at home with us had contributed least to make it prettier and instead is that this has filled in his details. It 'been a good night, did not expect it. Then I went to sleep from Psycho and I have to say that every time I see it is always nice, I am fine with her and when I had moved I felt very much miss him. The fact of having lived together has helped to create a strong bond and establish a high confidence level. This morning as we lavavamo teeth together like the old days was a little dip in the past.

Turned Down For Disability Tax Credit


February 8, 2010: the date of my first post, which marked the beginning of my blog "The Window of Mauri "....
has already been a year since that date and in the meantime many things have changed ... and first of all I am proud to have exceeded 17,200 visits ....

I moved from the chaotic Paderno Dugnano (near Milan) in a "remote" location Oltrepò Pavese ... where are literally reborn!
I still have much work to do to my new home, including my own art studio that is constantly changing as ... my mind that in these days is going through what I call "creative madness" ... stuff you do not sleep at night ...
The only thing that has not changed is laziness of my cats and Peggy Renato .... apart from some hunting around ... if that is a pleasure to enjoy ...