Sunday, February 27, 2011

Decorated Bunny Cages

crazy I'd need a friend, or rather two! Owned

E 'was a wonderful weekend, friends, food, laughter and also relax!
returning Friday evening from work and I Riccio autoviolentati and we went to the grocery store, eat something quickly and then home to clean (and our brains told us: sleep, sleep!). After that we ran at the airport to take my friends who came from Sweden. How wonderful review dear friends who live far away, always feel close and laughing at all. Among other things she told me what a lovely "I missed your scent")
Saturday we did a tour in Arona and then we greeted with a lunch in a wine cellar with a tasting of local cheeses and meats, washed down with fine wine and then finish with a sweet squisiterrimo. After that walk to digest, even though we would digest took the New York Marathon! Then it was time to say goodbye because they had to go to Milan to see a show of a friend of Lei
So me and my prince went home and we relaxed, dozing a bit ', preparing a light dinner and playing throughout the evening with a game that they've got the birthday. Although the outside looks like a boring was a wonderful evening because we really needed to be calm and rest. On Sundays, then moved away away with an invitation to dinner with his grandparents and a birthday cake for Grandma in the afternoon, interspersed with film and faffing around.
'm so positive that almost do not care that it is raining!


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