Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hedge Fund Business Plan


are difficult days and the coming period is to fire.
There are possible changes in my working life I do not want to speak yet because everything is still to be defined. But we hope so and that makes me a little 'fear. As the situation now instead promises a trip to Singapore from 11 to 22 April and then go to Madrid from 26 to late May. What I know now that I think with envy, but I just concede the trip to Singapore that the prospect is not (too) difficult. In Spain will be tough days because I have 3 weeks of testing with the client and I do not feel ready for anything, besides having the anxiety about the role of responasibilità. Then if you look at calendar at hand now understand that I will spend the Easter with the jetlag and preparing another tear down a suitcase.

Yesterday I finished work, then on very late because I had to hand over a document and this delay was the cause of a quarrel with the rich. Not so much because obviously he remained until late (back together) but because according to him because I do not give enough hours for what I do and I do not have overtime, had "simply" refuse to make an effort to deliver in time the doc. On paper it would be right but in reality, unfortunately, sometimes you have to bite the bullet. It gave me much trouble his lack of empathy towards me, I was already tired and angry to me, and that his attitude as if only he knew what to do while I'm the poor fool that you submit.
We reconciled now, but in short, are temporarily ill.


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