Thursday, March 3, 2011

Radio Wiring Ford Laser Gli

Evening News

To remedy the unreasonable hours of last Monday night we went out 15 minutes before, at a certain time make a difference. Get home soon Riccio me "why do not you invite to dinner and Thelma womb?". Said than done. They are my new friends who were classmates of Riccio at medium / elementary and then he had lost sight of.
So prepare to fly a cake and throw down a very easy dinner: mixed drink (cold cuts, cheese, toast with salmon) and drinking prosecco dish made with pearl barley, broccoli and mackerel washed down with Vermentino. Finally note that the cake is a kind of pastry with ricotta cheese, chocolate macaroons and drinking champagne, unbelievably, unless carried by Visc. It 'been a continuous laugh and joke and nothing came in the 23 ...
would already late enough, but in addition there was a suitcase to be done tonight because I go with the rich in a hotel near the Adda to make a good deal of the city. Counting then tomorrow night is the event of the season, I prepared to change tomorrow with some minor modifications for the evening. But I was half drunk and it was late, maybe I'll go out in pajamas, who knows!

do I have to say that today apart from sleep?!?


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