Friday, March 18, 2011

Is It Normal If A Wart That Feel Bleeds ?

2 kg and 300! Reflections

This morning we had an appointment the doctor gave me the results of the analysis and showed me the ultrasound of growth. Apart from the fact that I have not seen anything since the monitor was in a position where I could only see something if I had a giraffe neck style, Charles is doing well. And cephalic (good, if you go so you'll make a nice present at birth), weighs 2 kg and 330 grams ... it's nice to know that the 9 pounds I took 2 and 330 are his eheh, I feel less whale. And it's all normal. Victor has instead enjoyed the whole show, of course, he was standing in front of the monitor. At

end, the sonographer said: "Now let's see if I can print a photo of your face ... is there to move the belly but there is nothing to be done. "He has his little hands before his face, I'm sorry." Ecchecacchio !!!!! Was not born yet and already you moron! Ahaha.


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