Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Impetigo Redness

High Blood Pressure in subject hypochondriac ....

Friday 28 February, I visit the gynecologist.
later, I "sit down" (so to say, I was stretched like a rope violin). She looks at me, greet me, take my briefcase and studied a few seconds. And then ...
utters these words: almost thirty-six weeks! and smiles.
What are you laughing? Oh sure, not you're the one who has to leave a child a hole so small!
And then decide to measure the pressure.
Which, of course, was a tad bit high. But just a trickle. However, given 'and that its expression' changed as soon as he saw the result on that infernal machine (also known as machine to measure the pressure), I, who are notoriously hypochondriac (there 'even written more' high in the Blog in my presentation) I was even more agitated '.

Take my folder, opens it, reads the previous values \u200b\u200bof the pressure and tells me, also the last time you were at the limit, but you have not said anything? And I
: EMH, no. They told me I was fine. And while I studied her expression ready to having to run the hospital at any moment. It makes me lay, I say relaxed, which I think is absurd, as I want to relax?
Step one: you reminded me just five minutes ago that I will have between 8 weeks' birth. Step two: You have an expression that says it all. Step Three: I know all about high blood pressure in pregnancy and I know that and ' very dangerous' cause I do not have a dick to do all day and all I do is inform me about these things.

I re-measure the pressure, but decreased a little, too little. It keeps the worried expression. I already 'I had made the film of preterm delivery and various cocks. I know I know, are disastrous, but then again, read more 'up, it's called hypochondria ahaha.
ok, 'he tells me to keep it under control, measure it every day and if the minimum exceeds 90 (I had at 88) I have to go to hospital. And then, without pity, 'rages:
If you inflate your hands, if you start seeing all black or you are a strong stomach go to the hospital immediately. Avra 'saw terror appear on my face' cause then I said, more 'sweet
You do not worry, go to the pharmacy from tomorrow every day, come in, you sit a bit ', you relax (again) and then measure the pressure.

Esco from his studio in a trance, are in shock. Fortunately, Victor and 'all quiet and peaceful, do not worry you'll see that you were just nervous.
I refuse to go to the pharmacy, already 'thinking just get the feel anxiety, sweaty palms and I feel my heartbeat increased ahaha. So 'I borrowed the infernal machine Uncle Victor.

we get home, I sit on the couch and waiting for ten minutes and while I see sex and the city I tell my husband to measure it. I am a quiet, relaxed and am enjoying the series, but as soon as the infernal machine begins to swell and make the classic pre-noise response, I feel your anxiety wrap. Fortunately, and 'normal. And' the case to say: much ado about nothing.

Ah, hypochondria!


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