Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Piano Song From Unleashed Victoria

very unexpected

Last night I call my mom now that makes me "sit down that I have a bombshell." I thought to myself that I should marry my brother and I got pissed off for not having told me directly. And no invce !!!!!!! Much more bomb!!
My aunt, my dad's brother's wife, is pregnant. For the third time. She now takes 47 years.

You are a bit 'surprised you?? I still do not believe it. I'm happy for them! Obviously the news is quite shocking, because here it is a pregnancy not favored by any artifice, as the couple has two children and I do not think that they are looking for others. Besides, had when she was 36 and 40 years, and even then not considered young (for a child of course). My uncle is 56 years old, but this affects less, the more you know the hard work she does, especially with advancing age.
Of course this news has raised and will raise definitely also not very positive reactions. My cousin, mother of the pupa of which I am godmother, had many difficulties to have this baby and now I am having many difficulties in a second. I think a bit 'of human envy there.

The best thing though was the reaction of my cousins: they are happy, especially the smallest, just finally peche NONS Ara the youngest!


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